300-715 SISE

Test your knowledge with the 300-715 SISE exam! Excel in Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) fundamentals, including architecture and deployment, policy enforcement, endpoint compliance, and more.

The 300-715 SISE exam focuses on Cisco ISE fundamentals. This 90-minute exam evaluates your expertise in policy enforcement, guest services, architecture, deployment, endpoint compliance, and more. Get ready with our comprehensive training and achieve your CCNP Security certification!

NIL Learning Services

Please keep in mind that NIL Learning Ltd. is not an Exam Center and, as such, does not provide the service of taking exams. At NIL Learning Ltd., we offer learning services that can help you gain the knowledge to prepare for an exam and, more importantly, empower you with professional competence. To schedule exams, please get in touch with a certified Pearson VUE test center.

Recommended Knowledge

Recommended knowledge for the 300-715 SISE exam includes proficiency in Cisco ISE with a focus on architecture, deployment, policy enforcement, Web Auth, guest services, profiling, bring your own device (BYOD), endpoint compliance, and network access device administration.

The complete overview of Cisco Certifications can be found here.


Professional recertification

Exam only (choose one option):

  • Pass one technology core exam
  • Pass any two separate professional concentration exams
  • Pass any one expert-level written exam
  • Pass any one expert-level lab or practical exam

Combining exams with Continuing Education (CE) credits (choose one option):

  • Earn 80 CE credits
  • Earn 40 CE credits AND pass any one professional-level concentration exam