Ace the 300-615 DCIT exam! Master troubleshooting in network, compute platforms, storage, automation, and operations.
Prepare for the 300-615 DCIT exam with our targeted course. This 90-minute test is crucial for the CCNP Data Center certification and covers key areas, such as network, compute platforms, storage, and automation. Our course ensures you are well-equipped to troubleshoot data center infrastructures and succeed in your certification journey. Start your preparation now!
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Recommended training | Exams |
(DCIT) Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure | Exams: 300-615 DCIT |
Recommended Knowledge
For 300-615 DCIT, candidates should have a solid understanding of troubleshooting data center infrastructure, including network, compute platforms, storage network, automation, management, and operations.
The complete overview of Cisco Certifications can be found here.
Professional recertification
Exam only (choose one option):
- Pass one technology core exam
- Pass any two separate professional concentration exams
- Pass any one expert-level written exam
- Pass any one expert-level lab or practical exam
Combining exams with Continuing Education (CE) credits (choose one option):
- Earn 80 CE credits
- Earn 40 CE credits AND pass any one professional-level concentration exam